Local Business Feature
Take a few minutes to see what Sublette County businesses have to offer!
White Bear Creations
Fashionable clothing, decor, and gifts! Right here in Pinedale.
Rosy Posies
Flowers, gifts, and more! Located in the Summit Building.
Woodland Book Nook
Pinedale’s only bookstore! Take a look at their selection of fiction, non-fiction, gifts, and more.
About my Business Feature Program
I started this program as a free marketing tool for businesses that can benefit from greater brand visibility in Sublette County. My focus is new businesses, but I’m open to working with most businesses, causes, and organizations that would like to see a boost in their local marketing footprint. Please email me at camden@livewyoming.net if you’d like to work together!
- Camden
How it Works
First item to note: this is a FREE service!
We’ll plan a time to meet at your place of business so I can capture images and video to use in advertising and on your website. I can also capture a headshot of you if you need an updated profile photo for business cards, social media, etc. Check out my portrait program here.
I will take notes on your experience, products, services, and unique offering to the community to use in ad verbiage and site content.
I will create a page for your business here on my website with a link below. On this page, I will include information, images/video, and links to your website or social media page.
I’ll run a digital marketing campaign for a specified period of time, driving all web traffic to the page I create for you. During the campaign, I’ll provide you with updates on views and web traffic so you can see how many people we’re reaching. I would expect somewhere in the range of 20,000 to 30,000 views within Sublette County over the course of an ad campaign.